Learn from the Outdoor ginger

Thousands of followers was build by a strong mental mindset and dedicated discipline, that im now teaching you so you can do the potentially same ↓

What i Offer

I provide an exclusive one-on-one masterclass, giving you outdoor expertise with powerful mindset advice aswell. Having spent over 500 nights in nature, I'm now one of the toughest guys, and i myself would say that im ready to support individuals of all backgrounds in overcoming mental barriers and embracing outdoor challenges!

Outdoor masterclass

If you wanna break free and achieve the same level of freedom as me, your'e lucky. Becuase in freedom achievers you get all my outdoor tips - also weekly mentoring calls

Mindset masterclass

In freedom achievers you get access to in depth videos of me in nature explaining game changing mindset rules

Own built learning platform and community

I have custom built a learning platform, so you will get everything included - accessible from the phone and easy to use!

Few of the things Outdoor Ginger has achieved:


Solo hiking





2024 is your chance to see what you can achieve

Become adventurous, and overcome your fears. I guide you trough everything to start getting out there

Freedom achievers Is an all around adventure program that offers deep insight to how a 15 years old kid, scared of sleeping outdoors and travel, overcame all his predjudice and broke free to travel where,when and how!

Freedom Achievers is designed for individuals seeking meaningful change in their lives. It is tailored for those who feel stagnant and aspire to achieve greater success.

In Freedom Achievers, i guide you step by step (and 1:1) on achieving a mindset that allows you to experience true freedom in both mind and life.

At Freedom Achievers, i believe in sharing all my knowledge openly. Upon joining, you'll gain access to the strategies and a well structured video program, thats combined with 1:1 mentoring with me.

Dont trust Outdoor gingers endevors?

Then check his social media's out ↓

350,000+ Followers....

If you are interested in getting started call me on whatsapp

Available - all weekdays included

Free talk....↑

Break free

I will teach you the best strategies, tools, and tips to find inner peace, create engaging memories and be the best version of yourself!

Pay here to get access to the freedom achievers program ↓

(payment through stripe)

Freedom Achievers MembershipGet access to freedom achievers!
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Upcoming Event - Skool Program

I will soon make my own Skool community.

This is for all of the people that still want to learn from me,

but dont have that much money to invest in themselves as of the moment right now.

What people are saying about Outdoor ginger

  • People love me because of my mindset & level of freedom

  • He has mastered the stoic mindset

Nate Mitchell
  • Stupid that we are scrolling through our phones when we could be living like him

Toan Jacinto

  • The fact that I'm watching this through my phone pisses me off. I gotta go live my life.


Start Your Way to Join Outdoor ginger on a life breaking journey

For only 160 $ you will get access to freedom achievers

Start Your Way & Join Outdoor ginger on a life breaking journey

For only 160 $ you will get access to freedom achievers

Start Your Way & Join Outdoor ginger on a life changing journey

For only 99 $ you will get access to freedom achievers

Watch my story

Watch my story

Frequently Asked Questions

Did I get any guidance when I started camping?

I did not get any guidance as my both parents don’t go in nature and sleep in the wilderness

so it was a motivation that came from inside and something that I really wanted to explore

my family are not into wilderness experience.

They are from the city and don’t like it

I was trying to take my brother with me when I went on hiking, but he didn’t want

Also I didn’t have any friends wanted to join me because they were all into football and tennis, gradually after people rejected when I requested them to go on a hike with me that’s where I went alone and figured out that going alone in the woods is simply the best and today I have chosen the mountains because I think this is the most beautiful element.

Why should I enroll in freedom achievers masterclass? 

Freedom achievers is taught by one of the most free teenagers out there. Its safe to say that outdoor ginger have something that all of us could learn from!

What is my advice to you?

For 5 years of solo camping I have had really tough times in nature, not knowing which equipment to take which mindset to adapt and how to live the maximum out of my wilderness experience

If somebody like me, would have offered such a deep insight on a Masterclass that offers valuable information to success your first overnight , I would have bought it directly because I would have saved a lot of time

And time is one of the most valuable things.

How much does freedom achievers cost?

Freedom acheivers fortunately only cost a one time payment of 160$ - this is done because i know being

an aspring outdoor achiever / camper is a tough thing and often is done a tight budget. So thats why i have found a very fair pricing compared to the level of 1:1 i have in my program

What if I have questions or problems during the course?

If you have any questions you can always ask me directly or grab a 1:1 coaching call. When you succeed i succeed.

My masterclass is designed to help you embark on an adventurous journey

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Address: Sankt Annae Pl. 19A, 1. th, 1250 Copenhagen